25 Essential Exercise & Workout Vocabulary Words: Sweat Smarter

Exercise & Workout Vocabulary

Essential Exercise & Workout Vocabulary Words

Are you new to the world of fitness or looking to elevate your workout game? Understanding the language of exercise is crucial to creating effective routines, communicating with trainers, and achieving your goals. In this post, we’ll break down the top 25 essential exercise & workout vocabulary words, from basic terms like “sets” and “reps” to advanced concepts like “progressive overload” and “active recovery.” Get ready to sweat smarter!

1. Aerobic

Meaning: Exercise that improves oxygen consumption in the body, typically cardiovascular activities.

Pronunciation: /eəˈrəʊ.bɪk/

Part of Speech: Adjective

Common Prepositions: exercise, activity


Aerobic exercises help improve heart health.

– Running is a popular aerobic activity.

– They prefer aerobic workouts like cycling and swimming.

– Doing aerobic exercises regularly increases stamina.

2. Anaerobic

Meaning: High-intensity exercise that requires short bursts of energy and doesn’t rely on oxygen.

Pronunciation: /ˌæn.əˈrəʊ.bɪk/

Part of Speech: Adjective

Common Prepositions: exercise, capacity


– Weightlifting is an example of anaerobic exercise.

Anaerobic training helps build muscle strength.

– Sprinting requires anaerobic energy.

– The athletes focused on improving their anaerobic capacity.

3. Cardio

Meaning: Exercise designed to improve heart and lung function by increasing heart rate.

Pronunciation: /ˈkɑːr.di.oʊ/

Part of Speech: Noun (uncountable)

Common Prepositions: for, in, during


– She did 30 minutes of cardio every morning.

Cardio exercises help burn calories quickly.

– Treadmill running is great for cardio workouts.

– He mixed strength training with cardio for better results.

4. Strength training

Meaning: Exercises focused on building muscle strength and endurance using resistance.

Pronunciation: /strɛŋkθ ˈtreɪnɪŋ/

Part of Speech: Noun (uncountable)

Common Prepositions: for, with


Strength training improves muscle mass.

– Lifting weights is a form of strength training.

– He combined strength training with flexibility exercises.

Strength training helps prevent injuries.

5. Reps

Meaning: Short for repetitions, the number of times an exercise is performed.

Pronunciation: /rɛps/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: of


– She did 15 reps of each exercise.

– Try to increase your reps each week.

– Complete 10 reps of bicep curls for three sets.

– His workout included high reps with lighter weights.

6. Set

Meaning: A group of repetitions of a specific exercise.

Pronunciation: /sɛt/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: of, with


– Do three sets of push-ups.

– After two sets, he took a break.

– Increase the weight after completing each set.

– Aim for four sets of squats.

7. Flexibility

Meaning: The ability of muscles and joints to move through a full range of motion.

Pronunciation: /ˌflɛk.sɪˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/

Part of Speech: Noun (uncountable)

Common Prepositions: in, of


– Stretching improves flexibility.

– Yoga is excellent for increasing flexibility.

Flexibility is essential to prevent injuries.

– He noticed improved flexibility in his legs after daily stretches.

8. Circuit training

Meaning: A workout technique involving a series of exercises performed one after another with minimal rest.

Pronunciation: /ˈsɜː.kɪt treɪ.nɪŋ/

Part of Speech: Noun (uncountable)

Common Prepositions: with, in


Circuit training keeps the heart rate elevated.

– They did circuit training with five different exercises.

Circuit training helps improve strength and endurance.

– He alternated between cardio and strength exercises in circuit training.

9. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

Meaning: A workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and fixed periods of rest.

Pronunciation: /hɪt/

Part of Speech: Noun (uncountable)

Common Prepositions: for, during


HIIT workouts burn a lot of calories in a short time.

– She incorporates HIIT into her weekly routine.

HIIT is perfect for those with busy schedules.

– A 20-minute HIIT session is more effective than an hour of steady-state cardio.

10. Warm-up

Meaning: Gentle exercises performed before a workout to prepare the body.

Pronunciation: /wɔːm ʌp/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: before, during


– A good warm-up reduces the risk of injury.

– He did a 10-minute warm-up before lifting weights.

– Stretching is a key part of the warm-up.

– Make sure to do a proper warm-up before running.

11. Cool-down

Meaning: Light exercises and stretches performed after a workout to lower the heart rate gradually.

Pronunciation: /kuːl daʊn/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: after, for


– The cool-down helps muscles recover faster.

– Don’t skip the cool-down after intense workouts.

– She spent five minutes on her cool-down stretching her legs.

– A walk can serve as an effective cool-down.

12. Endurance

Meaning: The ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.

Pronunciation: /ɪnˈdjʊə.rəns/

Part of Speech: Noun (uncountable)

Common Prepositions: for, of


– Running helps improve cardiovascular endurance.

– He focused on building endurance for the marathon.

Endurance training helps athletes perform longer.

– Cycling is great for increasing endurance.

13. Core

Meaning: The muscles of the torso, especially the abdominal and lower back muscles.

Pronunciation: /kɔːr/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: of, in


Core exercises help stabilize the body.

– A strong core is essential for good posture.

– Planks are great for strengthening the core.

– Focus on your core during the workout.

14. Plank

Meaning: An exercise that involves holding a position similar to a push-up, focusing on strengthening the core.

Pronunciation: /plæŋk/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: for, with


– Hold the plank for 30 seconds.

Planks are part of my daily workout routine.

– The plank strengthens the abs and back.

– You can modify the plank to make it easier.

15. Squat

Meaning: An exercise that involves lowering the hips from a standing position and then returning to standing.

Pronunciation: /skwɒt/

Part of Speech: Verb

Verb Forms: squatted, squatting


– He can squat with heavy weights.

Squatting strengthens the legs and glutes.

– Beginners should practice body-weight squats.

– She did 20 squats as part of her leg workout.

16. Lunge

Meaning: A single-leg bodyweight exercise that works the hips, glutes, and legs.

Pronunciation: /lʌndʒ/

Part of Speech: Verb

Verb Forms: lunged, lunging


– Perform forward lunges for stronger legs.

– He incorporated side lunges into his routine.

– She lunged with weights to increase resistance.

Lunges are great for building lower body strength.

17. Push-up

Meaning: An exercise where a person lies face down and raises their body using their arms.

Pronunciation: /pʊʃ ʌp/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: of, with


– He did 50 push-ups before breakfast.

Push-ups are a great full-body workout.

– She struggled with push-ups but improved over time.

– Try different variations of push-ups for variety.

18. Pull-up

Meaning: An exercise where one lifts their body up by pulling on a bar with their hands.

Pronunciation: /pʊl ʌp/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: with, from


– He managed to do 10 pull-ups.

Pull-ups work the upper body and back muscles.

– Start with assisted pull-ups if you’re a beginner.

– She added pull-ups to her upper-body routine.

19. Stretch

Meaning: To lengthen or extend muscles in preparation for or recovery from exercise.

Pronunciation: /strɛtʃ/

Part of Speech: Verb

Verb Forms: stretched, stretching


– Always stretch before and after a workout.

Stretching helps prevent muscle soreness.

– She stretched her arms before lifting weights.

– He spent 10 minutes stretching after running.

20. Rest day

Meaning: A day taken off from exercise to allow the body to recover.

Pronunciation: /rɛst deɪ/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: on, after


– He took a rest day after five days of intense workouts.

– A rest day helps the body recover.

– Plan your rest day to avoid overtraining.

– After the competition, she enjoyed a rest day.

21. Resistance band

Meaning: A band used to provide resistance in strength training exercises.

Pronunciation: /rɪˈzɪs.təns bænd/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: with, for


– He used a resistance band for his leg workout.

Resistance bands add extra challenge to exercises.

Resistance bands are portable and versatile.

– Stretch with resistance bands for added flexibility.

22. Bench press

Meaning: An exercise in which one presses a weight upwards while lying on a bench.

Pronunciation: /bɛnʧ prɛs/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: for, with


– His goal was to increase his bench press weight.

– The bench press works the chest and triceps.

– She completed three sets of bench presses.

– You can modify the bench press for beginners.

23. Gym

Meaning: A place equipped for physical exercise.

Pronunciation: /dʒɪm/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: at, to


– She goes to the gym every morning.

– The new gym has excellent equipment.

– He signed up for a membership at the gym.

– Working out at the gym motivates him to stay fit.

24. Interval

Meaning: A short break between sets or periods of exercise during training.

Pronunciation: /ˈɪn.tə.vəl/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: during, in


Intervals between exercises allow muscles to recover.

– She took 30-second intervals between sprints.

– The workout included short intervals for rest.

– They focused on high-intensity interval training.

25. Pace

Meaning: The speed at which someone runs or moves during exercise.

Pronunciation: /peɪs/

Part of Speech: Noun (countable)

Common Prepositions: of, at


– He maintained a steady pace throughout the race.

– Adjust your pace according to your fitness level.

– She struggled to keep up with the pace of the group.

– The coach advised him to increase his running pace.

Mastering exercise & workout vocabulary is a vital step in taking control of your fitness journey. By incorporating these 25 essential terms into your daily routine, you’ll be better equipped to design effective workouts, communicate with fitness professionals, and achieve your goals. Remember, knowledge is power – and in this case, it’s the power to transform your body and unlock your full potential. Keep pushing yourself, and don’t forget to share your newfound knowledge with others to help them reach their fitness goals too!

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Short Story: The Fitness Journey

Title: Breaking Barriers

Samantha had been training for weeks, determined to meet her fitness goals. Every morning, she started with a 10-minute warm-up, which prepared her body for the intense circuit training that followed. She alternated between cardio exercises and strength training, focusing on improving her endurance. The variety kept her motivated, especially when mixing in aerobic and anaerobic routines.

Her coach introduced HIIT into her regimen, where she pushed through intense intervals followed by brief rest periods. She found that HIIT challenged both her stamina and her pace. After each set of squats and lunges, she performed additional reps to make sure her legs were burning.

In the gym, Samantha worked on her core with planks and pull-ups, strengthening her abs and back. She paired them with upper body exercises like bench presses and push-ups, ensuring she hit all muscle groups. To add more variety, she also used a resistance band, which was perfect for building strength in her legs.

After her workout, she focused on a thorough cool-down with light stretches to maintain her flexibility. By the end of each day, she felt accomplished but knew the importance of a rest day for recovery. Whether it was holding a plank or maintaining her form during push-ups, Samantha knew each exercise contributed to her growth.

Her efforts paid off, and over time, she noticed significant improvements in her overall strength and endurance. With each gym session, she felt her body getting stronger and more resilient.

In this journey, Samantha learned that fitness wasn’t just about lifting heavy weights or running fast—it was about finding balance, improving every aspect of her training, and challenging herself with new workouts like circuit training and HIIT. Most importantly, she learned to listen to her body, allowing time for both hard work and recovery.

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